Svalinn dogs are meant to spend time with their handler, day in and day out. They are not interested in wandering aimlessly around your property, as they know they can not do their job efficiently if they do not know where you are. They are bred and trained to be your eyes and ears whether you're sleeping, working, or simply relaxing. Your Svalinn dog is always on duty, even when you’re not.
Of course, each animal needs rest and relaxation time, and that typically comes when they understand that you are alert and aware (during the day). They will identify moments of calm throughout the day with you, when they can truly rest. At night, the dogs understand that you are in a vulnerable position while sleeping. As a result of this, they will not sleep as deeply at night as you do, because they are remaining aware of your surroundings for you. Regardless if they are resting or relaxing, a Svalinn dog is ready to perform at a moment’s notice should the need arise.