the ranch

About Svalinn

Bred to Love. Trained to Protect.

Vision for robust protection & peace of mind

Our approach and methodology are based on our firsthand experience in non-permissive environments such as Afghanistan, Kenya and Somalia with real-world threats and is guided by a strictly defined set of performance criteria. It’s a distinction that makes all the difference to you as a K9 owner and companion of one of these extraordinary animals.

Many so-called “protection” dogs are trained for competitions; at Svalinn we aren’t interested in sports or games. Our focus is developing loving and faithful companion dogs that are also exceptional deterrents to a would-be threat, and instant protectors, should you or your family ever be in imminent danger.

Every minute spent in Svalinn’s consistent and precise training program has a purpose. The foundation of our training is obedience, stability, socialization and agility. These elements are critical for dogs that will be in public, with families and individuals in daily life situations.

While many people presume the protection work to be the most critical component of training, at the end of the day, it’s really the “on / off switch”. The ability to protect its handler in one instant, and immediately be calm and stable and move into obedience in the next instant. Every dog is proven to be thinking, observant and discerning.
Team on Hill in Snow, with Dogs

Svalinn set out to advance the art of the protection dog

Simply put, we succeeded.
Our dogs are placed in a wide range of environments. From the executive living in a high-rise downtown, to the rancher with many acres, a Svalinn dog can find comfort nearly anywhere. Our training is focused, from a young age, on working in and through a variety of situations and lifestyles. 

Once a bond and relationship is established, our dogs thrive on being a part of your day to day life. Their desire to please is never ending and their determination to do their job ensures you always have a capable, vigilant, adaptable dog by your side. 
Svalinn History
A Svalinn dog

Bloodlines with the most desirable characteristics

Today, Svalinn breeds, raises and trains protection dogs based not on pedigrees, but a specific mix of the most desirable characteristics from very old bloodlines – with a special emphasis on capability, stability and sociability.  Svalinn has bred and trained over 300 dogs in service worldwide.

History of Working Dogs

The Svalinn Team

The Svalinn team in barn with Mineral pups
  • Kim Greene

    Kim Greene

    Kim is the Founder and CEO of Svalinn. The company was launched in 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya where Kim lived with her family. Kim is jokingly referred to as the company’s Alpha Female and is respo
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  • Alicia & Slinger in Field

    Alicia Mullerleile

    Alicia is the financial controller and relationship manager for Svalinn.  Alicia brings over two decades of financial & relationship management ex
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  • Cullen and Rex

    Cullen MacAndrew

    Hailing from Rhode Island, Cullen maximizes every day in Big Sky Country. Cullen has called Svalinn home for five years now.  As much as he loves helping every Svalinn dog find their forever fami
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  • Josie on Box with Vista

    Josie Gillespie

    The best part of Josie's day is having 50 Svalinn dogs greet her in the morning. "If you love what you do for a living you don't work a day in your life", or so she says! Originally from Kellogg,
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  • Jim on box in field

    Jim Montgomery

    A successful business owner from California, Jim is the most at home he's ever been living in Paradise Valley. Jim is never idle and almost never indoors, so joining the Svalinn team was a perfect fit
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  • Indi

    Indi Dubay

     A native of Bozeman, Montana, Indi loves helping dogs work through challenging situations and watching their confidence grow. Indi is a true biology hack and is fascinated by entomology and orni
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  • Andrea with Vista

    Andrea Muller

    "Live Free; or Die, Baby". Like Kim, Andrea is a proud New Hampshire native. Andrea's home is like sleep-away camp for Svalinn dogs. She has two busy children - Waylon and Audrey - three horses and tw
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  • Miranda

    Miranda Millhollin

    A native of Montana, Miranda loves to travel and sample new food and experience new cultures. Miranda is continually in awe of how different every Svalinn dog is - 50 unique personalities; and she lov
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  • Brett

    Brett Mullins

    A native of Tennessee, Brett feels right at home in the mountains of Montana. Outside of work, Brett is an avid weightlifter and sportsperson. At the Svalinn ranch, Brett's favorite aspect of K9 train
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  • Nathaniel

    Nathaniel Kemper

    Originally from Walnut Creek, CA, Nathaniel moved to Montana for fresh air and space to get away ... and also to attend Montanna State University! Nathanial is passionate about sustainable l
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  • Shane outside with mountains

    Shane Wolfe

    Shane is a Livingston, MT native.  He loves working with Svalinn dogs and seeing how quickly each dog progresses.  "It is very satisfying to know that it is our consistent training as a team
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  • Julia outside profile

    Julia West

    Originally from Buffalo, NY, Julia has called Livingston home for the past 6 years.  At the Svalinn ranch, Julia's favorite activity is scent-tracking.  Away from work, Julia is an avid trai
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Svalinn was very patient while we figured out that getting a protection dog was the right move for us. They fielded many questions and guided me through the timeline of adding Mungo to our family and making it work in the best way possible.
ZL, Owner of Mungo

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